Tenant Relationship Management

Unlock Valuable Tenant Insights & Automatically Identify Relationships With TRM

Unlock company-wide connections to accelerate new opportunities

  • Receive automatic email alerts about existing tenant relationships across your organization
  • Access detailed intelligence from your network about a tenant’s leases, deal history and activity
  • Easily collaborate with colleagues and get deals done more efficiently

Identify your largest tenants in real-time to understand company-wide exposure

  • Identify your portfolio’s largest tenants by RSF, annual revenue or industry type with simple yet powerful dashboards
  • Understand your portfolio’s exposure to hypothetical events, e.g. tenant downsize or industry downturn and take protective action in advance
  • Leverage insights from your colleagues to validate tenant health before entering into a new lease agreement

Access detailed tenant insights to improve client retention

  • Get the whole picture of a tenant’s presence across your entire portfolio, with an aggregated view of leases, deals, TIMs and contacts
  • Record and view all tenant updates and activities in one centralized location
  • Boost tenant satisfaction by proactively leveraging insights from consolidated data

Want to see TRM in action? 

Contact us now.